In the brain there is a collection of structures called the The limbic system. These structures include, but are not limited to, the thalamus, hypothalamus, hippocampus and amygdala. The limbis system is involved in behavioural and emotional responses to our environment and experiences, especially when it comes to our own survival - think caring for our young or the fight-flight-freeze response. To sum up the significance of this part of us, here are some examples of what it does: releases the hormones that make us thirsty or hungry, the reward response, sensing pleasure and pain, habit formation, creating stem cells and the place where experiences and emotions are linked and memories are made and recalled.
This last part is what is really fascinating and what gets me, a wellness guru that uses essential oils, excited!!! Our memories are intricately linked to our senses. So when something happens to us, lets say, we get fired or heart broken, or we fall in love or feel totally in awe whist traveling an exotic country, our memory about that event will have strong neuropathways to how we felt, what we tasted, heard, smelled or touched at the same time. For example, a song can automatically take you back to a moment in time where you were feeling lonely after a break up or even make you think of a product that used it in their advertising. The taste of mint might take you back to the streets of Vietnam or Lemoncello to the islands of Italy. The feel of silk to your wedding night or mud between your toes to a wet camping trip. The fastest out of all of these is smell - it is often said that nothing takes you back faster down memory lane than the limbic system and smell. What does the smell of lavender or Channel #5 or sunscreen, or freshly baked bread or coffee or rain, or jasmine or wet dog remind you of? Take your time, choose one, close your eyes, notice the image and FEELING that comes back with nostalgia or maybe even a bit of dread...
...Here's where the LOVE comes in - we can use this to our own intent and conscious awareness and advantage! In my case, I fully stand for how we can use essential oils to influence our mood and stress levels and how we can intently choose how we would like to feel at any given moment. It forms one of main parts of what I do! The science is fascinating. Basically, by inhaling essential oils, say from a diffuser or your hand, the molecules get into the blood stream via the lungs and can stimulate the hippocapmus into action! For example, lavender essential oil can make us feel calm and relaxed, citrus oils or minty oils can help us to feel inspired, invigorated and uplifted, wood and resin oils can make us feel grounded, calm and less flightly!
(side not: the perfume industry is entirely based on how their smell is going to make you feel - their advertising tells it all)
So, with this in mind, your love challenge, if you are willing to accept it, is this:
1. Is there something you want to achieve over the next three months? Write it down. What would you look like achieving it? What would it feel like to tell your best friend that you have completed it? What you feel about yourself in your heart of hearts? And how would that feel? (write those down).
2. Now get out your oils! (if you don't have essential oils yet, you will need them for this challenge. This is where we CONNECT and make NEUROPATHWAYS to our goal setting. It will give you a significant advatnage so get in touch on the website or Facebook page Nurture Your Tribe and I'll hook you up)
For those who do have essential oils, hover your hand over your collection. Quickly and intuitively choose 3 oils.
3. Get out an empty roller bottle and some carrier oil, like fractionated coconut oil. Put 3 drops each of your chosen essential oils into the roller bottle. Smell it. Fine tune it with more of what you think it needs to be balanced and fill the rest up with carrier. Pop the lid on and give it a shake.
4. Roll your blend on your wrists and and heart space and take 3 deep breaths in. Re-read your answers to step 1. Repeat every morning and night for as long as you can. Remembering that it often takes 3-4 weeks to form a habit. The best part, be inspired to take action on the ideas and thoughts that intuitively come to mind. This is where the magic will happen.
Enjoy creating and smashing your goals!
Love Claire x